Recipe: Yummy Bebek Goreng

Bebek Goreng. At Bebek Goreng Pak Ndut Singapore, We served authentic Indonesian food that you cannot get in Singapore, All our sauces are direct import from Indonesia to make it SO authentic. We are about giving you great food. The special of this sangan duck is fried without oil using ground frying pan, so it makes a very unique taste.

Bebek Goreng Lihat juga resep Bebek_Goreng, Bebek goreng laos enak lainnya! There are a few ayam penyet restaurants in Lucky Plaza but Bebek Goreng Pak Ndut is a little different. We dropped by for lunch just to eat their crispy duck, after hearing Andrew rave about them. You can have Bebek Goreng using 16 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Bebek Goreng

  1. You need 1 ekor of bebek (berat 1 kg).
  2. You need 3 ruas of jahe.
  3. It's 3 ruas of laos.
  4. You need 1 batang of serai.
  5. You need 3 lbr of daun jeruk purut.
  6. Prepare 1 sdt of garam.
  7. Prepare 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk.
  8. Prepare 1/2 sdt of gula.
  9. You need Secukupnya of minyak untuk menumis.
  10. It's 750 ml of air mendidih.
  11. You need of Bumbu halus :.
  12. You need of 6 siung bawang merah.
  13. Prepare of 3 siung bawang putih.
  14. You need of 2 butir kemiri.
  15. You need of 3 ruas kunyit.
  16. Prepare of 1/2 sdm Ketumbar butiran.

Original Crispy Fried Duck + Rice. Sangan Crispy Fried Duck (Pan-fried) + Rice. Bebek Goreng Pak Ndut is a traditional Indonesian restaurant that serves up all things spicy and aromatic. The name of this restaurant comes from an ancient Balinese ceremonial dish.

Bebek Goreng step by step

  1. Sangrai kemiri, ketumbar dan kunyit..
  2. Blender bumbu halus dengan sedikit minyak. Lalu tumis hingga harum, masukkan serai, jahe, laos, daun jeruk, garam, gula, kaldu bubuk, aduk2 hingga harum masukkan bebek, aduk rata. Masak sebentar saja. Lalu pindahkan ke panci presto. Tuang air panas lalu tutup presto nya. Masak selama 25-30 menit di mulai dari bunyi desisan. Masak dengan api sedang..
  3. Setelah 30 menit matikan kompor, tunggu hingga uap habis..
  4. Goreng bebek dengan minyak banyak. Boleh langsung di goreng atau di balur dengan kocokan telur..
  5. Setelah di goreng siap untuk dihidangkan..

Bebek Goreng is a plate of rice, veggies and other sides crowned with a serving of duck that has been marinated in spices like ginger and cinnamon and cooked on. Bebek Goreng Pak Ndut serves Indonesian crispy duck As embarrassing as it sounds, I have never tasted duck meat before in my entire life until last year when I was in Indonesia. While we were travelling en route to Mount Bromo, our Grab driver recommended their local bebek goreng - fried farm-grown duck served with rice and sambal hijau. Cara Membuat Resep Bebek Goreng Ungkep yang Empuk Khas Madura. - Selain daging ayam, sapi dan kambing, masih ada jenis daging lainnya yang paling disukai oleh sebagian orang, yaitu daging bebek.
