Bebek Betutu Super Hot. Betutu is a Balinese dish of steamed or roasted chicken or duck in rich bumbu betutu (betutu spice mix). This highly seasoned and spiced dish is a popular dish in Bali and Lombok, Indonesia. An even spicier version is available using extra-spicy sauce made from uncooked (raw) onion slices mixed with red chili peppers and coconut oil.
Wash the duck inside and out in a bowl of water infused with the turmeric. Betutu is a Balinese traditional recipe that people often eats in ceremony of big event. Tje chicken itself is cooked too well, but the betutu sauce is great.and super hot. You can cook Bebek Betutu Super Hot using 20 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that.
Ingredients of Bebek Betutu Super Hot
- You need 1 ekor of bebek bersih.
- It's 2 bh of jeruk purut.
- You need 1 sdm of garam himalaya.
- You need 200 gr of daun singkong rebus, dan rajang.
- Prepare 3 bh of serai.
- Prepare 5 lbr of daun jeruk purut.
- You need 1500 ml of air.
- It's of Bumbu halus.
- It's 6 siung of bawang putih.
- Prepare 10 bh of bawang merah.
- Prepare 5 bh of cabe keriting.
- It's 70 gr of cabe rawit.
- You need 1/2 bks kecil of terasi.
- Prepare 2 bh of serai, rajang halus.
- You need 1 ruas of kunyit.
- You need 1 ruas of kencur.
- Prepare 2 ruas of jahe.
- You need 2 ruas of lengkuas.
- You need 1 1/2 sdt of garam himalaya.
- You need 1 sdt of kaldu jamur bubuk.
Good taste,cheap and fast service, love ayam betutu kuah, delicious! I dont know why people were talking bad.. Bebek betutu begins in lavishly-irrigated, scalloped, emerald green rice fields: ducks are traditionally bred near Bali's idyllic, stepped rice terraces—their preferred source of food. Lihat juga resep Bebek Betutu Super Hot, Bebek betutu enak lainnya!
Bebek Betutu Super Hot instructions
- Siapkan bahan. Lumuri bebek dengan jeruk purut. Diamkan beberapa saat. Kemudian lumurin garam himalaya 1 sdm ke seluruh badan bebek. Sisihkan.
- Campur 3/4 bumbu dengan daun singkong hingga rata.
- Masukkan daun singkong berbumbu kedalam perut bebek. Dan lumuri sisa bumbu diseluruh badan bebek..
- Bungkus dengan aluminium foil. Masukkan dalam panci presto berisi air, daun jeruk dan serai. Proses pada "meat"/daging. Lakukan 3 kali proses..
- Setelah bebek dipresto bisa langsung dioven pada suhu 200°C selama 20 menit..
- Penampilan bebek betutu setelah di oven.
- Sajikan hangat bersama kongbap..
With Tora Sudiro, Aming Sugandhi, Ananda Omesh, Sogi Indra Dhuaja. "The Crew" trying hard to find the one behind the blackmail which threatens the wedding of their boss' daughter. Dan sekarang saatnya nyobai pake bebek. Penting supaya bebek ga bau amis. Harus dicuci bersih, bebas dari darahnya. Kemudian alternatif masak bebek supaya ga alot selain dipresto menggunakan nanas, daun pepaya atau denga.
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