Roasted Bebek Betutu. Bebek Betutu (Balinese Roast Duck) In Bali, this aromatic chile and garlic stuffed duck is wrapped in coconut tree bark and steamed. Betutu sendiri terdiri dari dua urat kata yaitu BE dan TUTU, BE artinya daging, TUTU artinya panggang/bakar. Preheat a barbecue with a hood (a Weber is ideal).
Take all the ingredients for the betutu spice marinade except for the extra lime leaves and bay leaves and place in mortar and pestle. Udah lama pengen masak bebek betutu dan coba cari resep mana yang paling pas. Akhirnya nyontek resepnya Mbak Susan Melyani dengan pedas menyesuaikan selera saya dan suami😍. You can have Roasted Bebek Betutu using 25 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Roasted Bebek Betutu
- Prepare 1 of Bebek Muda Utuh.
- You need 1 of Jeruk Nipis.
- It's 1 sdt of Garam.
- It's of Bumbu Ulek Kasar:.
- Prepare 4 of cabe merah besar buang bijinya.
- Prepare 6 of cabe keriting Merah.
- It's 6 of cabe Rawit Merah.
- Prepare 10 siung of Bawang Merah.
- It's 6 of Bawang Putih.
- It's 5 of kemiri sangrai.
- Prepare 1 sachet of terasi ABC bakar.
- It's 2 ruas jari of kunyit bakar.
- It's 1 ruas jari of lengkuas.
- It's 1 ruas jari of kencur.
- It's 5 of sereh ambil bagian putihnya.
- You need 1 sdt of ketumbar-sangrai.
- Prepare 1 sdt of merica.
- It's of Bahan Tambahan:.
- Prepare 5 lembar of daun Salam.
- It's 5 lembar of daun Jeruk.
- You need 1 sdt of garam.
- You need 1 sdt of gula.
- It's 1 sdt of kaldu jamur.
- You need 400 ml of santan encer (100 ml santan kental+300 ml air).
- Prepare of Minyak secukupnya untuk menumis.
Saya pakai bebek muda dimasak begini rasanya mantul👍. Rinse duck well under cold running water and pat dry with paper towels. Process shallots, garlic, galangal, ginger, lime leaves, candlenuts, lemongrass, chillies, lime juice, palm sugar, turmeric, pepper, coriander, cumin and nutmeg in a food processor to a smooth paste. In Bali, ayam betutu (or it's more upmarket cousin - bebek betutu) is a real treat.
Roasted Bebek Betutu instructions
- Siapkan bahan. Buang kepala dan ceker bebek, belah dada bebek jangan putus, cuci bersih lumuri dengan jeruk nipis dan garam,diamkan 10 menit lalu bilas..
- Panaskan minyak, tumis bumnu halus dengan daun salam dan daun jeruk hingga wangi tambahkan garam,gula dan kaldu jamur. Masukkan bebek, baluri seluruh bagian bebek dengan bumbu hingga merata..
- Tambahkan santan, aduk rata. Ungkep bebek dengan api kecil,balik bebek sehingga seluruh bagian matang merata. Ungkep hingga bebek empuk..
- Sipkan alumunium foil, taruh bebek dan tutup. Oven di suhu 185 derajat selama kurang lebih 20 menit..
- Angkat dan sajikan dengan nasi hangat. Wah sampe nambah 2x 😍.
People often make it for special days or temple ceremonies in the same way people might roast a bird on a Sunday in the UK or the US. By wrapping the chicken in banana leaves, the moisture is kept in and the meat doesn't dry out. Betutu is an Indonesian-Balinese dish of steamed or roasted chicken or duck in rich bumbu betutu (betutu spice mix). This highly seasoned and spiced dish is a popular dish in Bali and Lombok, Indonesia. An even spicier version is available using extra-spicy sauce made from uncooked (raw) onion slices mixed with red chili peppers and coconut oil.
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